Customer Focus

Mr Spock was wrong – people and feelings really do matter!

How loyal are your customers?

What would tempt them away from you?

Better prices?

More choice?

Better service?

Why did they come to your company in the first place?

One aspect of this can be defined as ‘exceeding customer expectations.’ In order to exceed expectations, you first need to know what they are!

Do your customers recommend you to others? If they don’t – what are you doing that has resulted in them being dissatisfied?

A customer complaint is an opportunity for free feedback. And a customer complaint that is handled well results in a much higher level of loyalty than you get from the customer who has never had a problem.

Don’t forget your internal customers – this is everyone in your organisation who provides a service or supporting role to anyone else. How well do your staff serve their internal customers?

What is the damage to your organisation if your internal customer service isn’t as ‘world class’ as you expect your external service to be?

Get your organisation thinking about creating exceptional service – internally and externally. Ask us how!

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